I'm Helen, and I'm passionate about helping you take steps towards positive changes in your life.


Careers and life coaching can help you lead a more fulfilling life. It can give you the confidence to take small steps to change, small steps that can make a big difference.

Life can be a juggling act. It can be hard to find time to think about what you want. Coaching can give you time and space to do this. It can help you live life to your full potential.

  • Do you want to?
  • create a better work/life balance
  • regain your confidence after being made redundant
  • feel prepared and confident about an interview
  • return to work after a career break
  • seek a new career direction
  • find a new passion or interest

If something is holding you back from making a change, coaching can get you moving! It can help you live a life that aligns with who you are.

Believe in Yourself


I am a professional, experienced coach trained in NLP, NLP coaching and life coaching. I help people move beyond their comfort zone, by asking questions and challenging thought processes. A coach doesn’t tell you what to do, but helps you find your own answers. Coaching with me can help you prioritise what is important to you. It will help you identify your values.

Together we can explore your strengths and what motivates you. You can set goals and take action. I will be there to hear about your progress. You can share your successes with me. I’ve coached many people in the Human Resources jobs I have had, as well as through Inner Rhythms. As a result of my coaching, clients have made positive changes. These include moving forwards after redundancy, changing career path, discovering a new passion and fulfilling a life-long dream!

  • Do you want to take steps towards:-
  • feeling happier and more fulfilled?
  • having a better work/life balance?
  • feeling less stressed?
  • achieving things you didn’t think were possible?

To find out more about coaching with me, you can call for an initial free chat. I can tell you more about the coaching process and we can talk about what you want to gain from it.